What does the free trial period mean?

Are you new to WithLove? Then you can watch all movies and series unlimitedly for free for the first 7 days. Click on the 'Register' button to create an account. After these 7 days, your free trial period will automatically convert into a paid subscription. If you cancel before this time, no money will be deducted from your account.

When you sign up for a free trial, we ask you to make a one-time payment of 2 cents. This is a verification transaction, through iDEAL, credit card, or Sepa. This way, your bank account number or credit card number is passed on to WithLove, and we can check if you are indeed the owner of the bank account number or credit card number you provide.

By signing up for the free trial period, you authorize WithLove to deduct the costs for your subscription from your bank account or credit card after your 7-day free trial period. Of course, this amount and term differ per type of subscription chosen.

WithLove can be canceled at any time, you are not tied to anything. If you cancel during your free trial period, no money will be deducted from your account.

Want to create an account? Go to www.withlove.tv and follow the next three steps:

  1. Click on the 'Register' button.
  2. Enter a valid email address and create a password.
  3. Enter your payment details to use the 7-day free trial. For verification, we ask you to transfer 2 cents from your account.

To make sure you own the given email address, we send a confirmation link to this email address. Click on this link to verify your account.

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