Payment and costs

I have a voucher code
How nice that you want to use your voucher or promo code! There are two ways to enter the code: I have a voucher or promo code and a subscription: S...
Thu, 13 Jul, 2023 at 10:43 AM
I see 'WithLove' on my bank statement. What does this mean?
With every payment from WithLove, you will see 'WithLove' listed as the sender on your bank statement. All our payments are processed by Adyen. ...
Thu, 13 Jul, 2023 at 10:45 AM
When and how is the money deducted?
For a monthly subscription, your WithLove membership fee is deducted from your account monthly via automatic direct debit. The first deduction will take pla...
Thu, 13 Jul, 2023 at 10:48 AM
What does WithLove cost?
With WithLove you have access to all services and video's on the platform. You can choose between a monthly or a yearly subscription.  The amou...
Wed, 22 Jan, 2025 at 4:25 PM
Why do I have to pay 0.00 or 0.02 to start my trial period?
When you subscribe to a WithLove subscription, we ask you to transfer a payment of 0.00 or 0.02. This applies even if you want to start your free trial peri...
Thu, 28 Dec, 2023 at 1:25 PM
With which payment methods can I pay for WithLove?
You can pay for your WithLove subscription through:  automatic direct debit iDEAL credit card  PayPal Apple Pay
Thu, 21 Dec, 2023 at 11:57 AM
There is an issue with my account
When you have an issue with your subscription which prevents you from watching our movies and series, we would like to reccomend to contact our customer ser...
Thu, 8 Dec, 2022 at 9:35 AM